Exercise and the Heart: Part Two

How much is too much? In part one of “Exercise and the Heart” I reviewed the adaptations of the heart in response to training and exercise.  While most regard these changes to be normal and physiologic, many have questioned whether extreme amounts of exercise may put athletes at higher risk for certain – and potentially…

Exercise and the Heart: Part One

The Athletic Heart The benefits of exercise are innumerable, and study after study have demonstrated associations between exercise and a reduction in your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and even cancer.  This doesn’t event touch on the benefits of exercise from a mental health standpoint, as well as those more difficult…

The First Post…

My goal with this blog to share my experience as a (professional) cardiologist and (amateur) endurance athlete, and provide science-based answers to questions regarding sport, exercise, and the heart.  I imagine that many of you reading this blog – either as athletes, students, patients, or otherwise – are interested in answers to many of the…